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Previous Awards

The papers receiving these awards were selected from a set of outstanding papers, based on the quantitative and qualitative classifications as well as comments provided by the program committee reviewers, their final classification as full paper and their oral presentation at the conference.

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009

ECTA 2024

Best Paper Award

Sampling in CMA-ES: Low Numbers of Low Discrepancy Points
Jacob de Nobel, Diederick Vermetten, Thomas H. W. Bäck and Anna V. Kononova

Honorable Mention: Testing Emergent Bilateral Symmetry in Evolvable Robots with Vision
Michele Vannucci, Satchit Chatterji and Babak H. Kargar

Best Student Paper Award

Real-Time IoMT-driven Optimisation for Large-Scale Home Health Care Planning
Seyedamirhossein Salehiamiri, Richard Allmendinger and Arijit De

Honorable Mention: Hybrid Genetic Programming and Deep Reinforcement Learning for Low-Complexity Robot Arm Trajectory Planning
Quentin Vacher, Nicolas Beuve, Paul Allaire, Thibaut Marty, Mickaël Dardaillon and Karol Desnos

Best Poster Award

L-SAGA: A Learning Hyper-Heuristic Architecture for the Permutation Flow-Shop Problem
Younes Boukacem, Hatem M. Abdelmoumen, Hodhaifa Benouaklil, Samy Ghebache, Boualem Hamroune, Mohammed Tirichine, Nassim Ameur and Malika Bessedik

FCTA 2024

NCTA 2024

Best Paper Award

META: Deep Learning Pipeline for Detecting Anomalies on Multimodal Vibration Sewage Treatment Plant Data
Simeon Krastev, Aukkawut Ammartayakun, Kewal Jayshankar Mishra, Harika Koduri, Eric Schuman, Drew Morris, Yuan Feng, Sai Supreeth Reddy Bandi, Chun-Kit Ngan, Andrew Yeung, Jason Li, Nigel Ko, Fatemeh Emdad, Elke Rundensteiner, Heiton M. H. Ho, T. K. Wong and Jolly P. C. Chan

Honorable Mention: End-to-End Steering for Autonomous Vehicles via Conditional Imitation Co-Learning
Mahmoud M. Kishky, Hesham M. Eraqi and Khaled M. F. Elsayed

Best Student Paper Award

Invertibility of ReLU-Layers: A Practical Approach
Hannah Eckert, Daniel Haider, Martin Ehler and Peter Balazs

Best Poster Award

Finding Strong Lottery Ticket Networks with Genetic Algorithms
Philipp Altmann, Julian Schönberger, Maximilian Zorn and Thomas Gabor

IJCCI 2024

ECTA 2023

Best Paper Award

Honorable Mention: On Switching Selection Methods to Increase Parsimony Pressure
Allan de Lima, Samuel Carvalho, Douglas Mota Dias, Joseph P. Sullivan and Conor Ryan

Best Student Paper Award

Best Poster Award

FCTA 2023

Best Paper Award

Honorable Mention: Semi-Supervised Fuzzy C-Means for Regression
Gabriella Casalino, Giovanna Castellano and Corrado Mencar

NCTA 2023

Best Paper Award

Neural Network-Based Approach for Supervised Nonlinear Feature Selection
Mamadou Kanouté, Edith Grall-Maës and Pierre Beauseroy

Best Student Paper Award

IJCCI 2023

ECTA 2022

Best Paper Award

Approaches for Rule Discovery in a Learning Classifier System
Michael Heider, Helena Stegherr, David Pätzel, Roman Sraj, Jonathan Wurth, Benedikt Volger and Jörg Hähner

Best Poster Award

Parameterising the SA-UNet using a Genetic Algorithm
Mahsa Mahdinejad, Aidan Murphy, Patrick Healy and Conor Ryan

FCTA 2022

Best Paper Award

An Ontology-based Possibilistic Framework for Extracting Relevant Terms from Job Advertisements
Albeiro Espinal, Yannnis Haralambous, Dominique Bedart and John Puentes

NCTA 2022

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

Designing RNA Sequences by Self-play
Stephen Obonyo, Nicolas Jouandeau and Dickson Owuor

Best Poster Award

ECTA 2021

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

The Dynamic Role Mining Problem: Role Mining in Dynamically Changing Business Environments
Simon Anderer, Tobias Kempter, Bernd Scheuermann and Sanaz Mostaghim

FCTA 2021

Best Paper Award

NCTA 2021

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

Accurate 3D Object Detection from Point Cloud Data using Bird’s Eye View Representations
Nerea Aranjuelo, Guus Engels, David Montero, Marcos Nieto, Ignacio Arganda-Carreras, Luis Unzueta and Oihana Otaegui

Best Poster Award

ECTA 2020

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

Grammar-based Fuzzy Pattern Trees for Classification Problems
Aidan Murphy, Muhammad Sarmad Ali, Douglas Mota Dias, Jorge Amaral, Enrique Naredo and Conor Ryan

FCTA 2020

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

NCTA 2020

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

Neural Semantic Pointers in Context
Alessio Plebe and Arianna Pavone

ECTA 2019

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

Hybrid Kriging-assisted Level Set Method for Structural Topology Optimization
Elena Raponi, Mariusz Bujny, Markus Olhofer, Simonetta Boria and Fabian Duddeck

Best Poster Award

FCTA 2019

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

Best Poster Award

Fuzzy-Based Recommendation System for University Major Selection
Shaima Alghamdi, Nada Alzhrani and Haneen Algethami

NCTA 2019

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

Breast Cancer Automatic Diagnosis System using Faster Regional Convolutional Neural Networks
Lourdes Duran-Lopez, Juan Pedro Dominguez-Morales, Isabel Amaya-Rodriguez, Francisco Luna-Perejon, Javier Civit-Masot, Saturnino Vicente-Diaz and Alejandro Linares-Barranco

Best Poster Award

IJCCI 2018

Best Paper Award

Usability of Concordance Indices in FAST-GDM Problems
Marcelo Loor, Ana Tapia-Rosero and Guy De Tré

Best Student Paper Award

Expansion: A Novel Mutation Operator for Genetic Programming
Mohiul Islam, Nawwaf Kharma and Peter Grogono

Best Poster Award

Total Optimization of Smart City by Global-best Modified Brain Storm Optimization
Mayuko Sato, Yoshikazu Fukuyama, Tatsuya Iizaka and Tetsuro Matsui

IJCCI 2017

Best Paper Award

Depth Value Pre-Processing for Accurate Transfer Learning based RGB-D Object Recognition
Andreas Aakerberg, Kamal Nasrollahi, Christoffer B. Rasmussen and Thomas B. Moeslund

Best Student Paper Award

Towards Real-Time Fleet-Event-Handling for the Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem
Simon Anderer, Max Halbich, Bernd Scheuermann and Sanaz Mostaghim

Best Poster Award

IJCCI 2017

Best PhD Project Award

Lane Change Prediction in an Urban Area with an Echo State Network
Karoline Griesbach and Karl Heinz Hoffmann

ECTA 2016

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

Best Poster Award

Integrating Expectations into Jason for Appraisal in Emotion Modeling
Joaquín Taverner, Bexy Alfonso, Emilio Vivancos and Vicente Botti

FCTA 2016

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

NCTA 2016

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

ECTA 2015

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

FCTA 2015

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

NCTA 2015

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

ECTA 2014

Best Paper Award

Evolutionary Tuning of Optimal Controllers for Complex Systems
Jesús-Antonio Hernández-Riveros, Jorge-Humberto Urrea-Quintero and Cindy Carmona-Cadavid

Best Student Paper Award

FCTA 2014

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

NCTA 2014

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

Artificial Neural Network Models of Intersegmental Reflexes
Alicia Costalago Meruelo, David M. Simpson, S. Veres and Philip L. Newland

ECTA 2013

Best Paper Award

Model Complexity Control in Straight Line Program Genetic Programming
César L. Alonso, José Luis Montaña and Cruz Enrique Borges

Best Student Paper Award

A PSO/Snake Hybrid Algorithm for Determining Differential Rotation of Coronal Bright Points
E. Shahamatnia, I. Dorotovic, R. A. Ribeiro and J. M. Fonseca

FCTA 2013

Best Paper Award

NCTA 2013

Best Paper Award

Growing Surface Structures
Hendrik Annuth and Christian-A. Bohn

Best Student Paper Award

Magnitude Sensitive Image Compression
Enrique Pelayo, David Buldain and Carlos Orrite

IJCCI 2013

Best PhD Project Award

Stability-aware Cognitive Packet Network Routing Protocol for MANET
A. Alharbi, A. Aldhalaan and M. Alrodhaan

ECTA 2012

Best Paper Award

Using Self-organized Criticality for Adjusting the Parameters of a Particle Swarm
Carlos M. Fernandes, Juan Julián Merelo and Agostinho C. Rosa

Best Student Paper Award

FCTA 2012

Best Paper Award

Towards an Approach to Select Features from Low Quality Datasets
José Manuel Cadenas, María del Carmen Garrido and Raquel Martínez

Best Student Paper Award

NCTA 2012

Best Paper Award

ECTA 2011

Best Paper Award

Roman Gorbunov, Emilia Barakova, Rene Ahn and Matthias Rauterberg

FCTA 2011

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

José M. Cadenas, M. Carmen Garrido and Raquel Martínez

NCTA 2011

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

Alessandro Cinti and Antonello Rizzi

ICEC 2010

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

Giuseppe Morlino, Vito Trianni and Elio Tuci

ICFC 2010

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

T. Trigo de la Vega, P. Lopez-García and S. Muñoz-Hernandez

ICNC 2010

Best Paper Award

Hendrik Annuth and Christian-A. Bohn

Best Student Paper Award

Filippo Cona, Melissa Zavaglia, Mauro Ursino and Mario Rosanova

ICEC 2009

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

ICFC 2009

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

ICNC 2009

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award
