IJCCI 2018 will be held in conjunction with WEBIST 2018, icSPORTS 2018, NEUROTECHNIX 2018, CHIRA 2018, IC3K 2018 and PhyCS 2018.
Registration to IJCCI allows free access to the WEBIST, icSPORTS, NEUROTECHNIX, CHIRA, IC3K and PhyCS conferences (as a non-speaker).
The purpose of the International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence – IJCCI - is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested on the field of Computational Intelligence both from theoretical and application perspectives. Four simultaneous tracks will be held covering different aspects of Computational Intelligence, including evolutionary computation, fuzzy computation, neural computation and cognitive and hybrid systems. The connection of these areas in all their wide range of approaches and applications forms the International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence.
Kurosh Madani, University of Paris-EST Créteil (UPEC), FranceKevin Warwick (honorary), University of Reading and Coventry University, United Kingdom
Christophe Sabourin, Univ. Paris Est Creteil, LISSI, FranceJuan Julian Merelo, University of Granada, SpainAlejandro Linares Barranco, University of Seville, Spain
Alejandro Carrasco Muñoz, University of Seville, SpainMaría Isabel Hartillo, University of Seville, Spain
Keeley Crockett, Manchester Metropolitan University, United KingdomThomas Villmann, University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, GermanyOscar Cordón, University of Granada, SpainHumberto Bustince, Public University of Navarra, Spain
A short list of presented papers will be selected
so that revised and extended versions of these
papers will be published by Springer in a
SCI Series book
Authors of best papers will be invited to submit
extended versions (at least 30% of new content)
of their work to be appreciated for publication
in a Fast Track submission process of the Elsevier
Applied Soft Computing (ASOC) Journal
Technically co-sponsored by:
Technically co-sponsored by:
In Cooperation with:
Proceedings will be submitted for evaluation for indexing by: