FCTA 2021 Abstracts

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 1

Multiobjective Bimatrix Game with Fuzzy Payoffs and Its Solution Method using Necessity Measure and Weighted Tchebycheff Norm


Hitoshi Yano and Ichiro Nishizaki

Abstract: In this paper, we propose an interactive algorithm for multiobjective bimatrix games with fuzzy payoffs. Using necessity measure and the weighted Tchebycheff norm method, an equilibrium solution concept is defined, which depends on weighting vectors specified by each player. Since it is very difficult to obtain such equilibrium solutions directly, instead of equilibrium conditions in the necessity measure space, equilibrium conditions in the expected payoff space are provided. Under the assumption that a player can estimate the opponent player’s preference as the weighting vector of the weighted Tchebycheff norm method, the interactive algorithm is proposed to obtain a satisfactory solution of the player from among an equilibrium solution set by updating the weighting vector.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 4

Mining Linguistic Summaries in Traffic


Jhonny Pincay, Edy Portmann and Luis Terán

Abstract: This case study article presents details about the implementation of an artifact that uses traffic data databases to mine linguistic summaries. The linguistic summaries are obtained and validated to ease the understanding of the data and to help users to convey information quickly and effectively. Through a web application that makes use of maps and accompanies them with the summaries, it was found that users with no experience in traffic analysis, do perceive that the mined linguistic summarizations helped them to understand data that would be rather complex even through figures and statistical measures. Nevertheless, although the linguistic summaries were perceived as useful, some users also found that they could provide some more details and have a finer granularity.

Paper Nr: 5

Application of Graded Fuzzy Preconcept Lattices in Risk Analysis


Māris Krastiņš, Ingrīda Uļjane and Alexander Šostak

Abstract: Fuzzy logic has a wide range of applications in the risk assessment based on expert opinion. Several methods have been used for this purpose with fuzzy implication systems being among the most popular. While these standard tools have proven their usefulness, we propose the application of an alternative approach. In this paper we analyse the possibility of using the graded fuzzy preconcept lattices in introducing the risk assessment model. We have also provided the necessary information on the theoretical basis of the graded fuzzy preconcept lattices introduced by the authors earlier.

Paper Nr: 7

A Modular Autonomous Driving System for Electric Boats based on Fuzzy Controllers and Q-Learning


Emanuele Ferrandino, Antonino Capillo, Enrico De Santis, Fabio M. F. Mascioli and Antonello Rizzi

Abstract: This paper describes the architecture and control design of an autonomous Electric Boat, together with a specific simulation environment for training and testing the Fuzzy Inference Systems. The boat will be in charge to exit and enter from harbors, plan and follow a route, avoid obstacles such as other boats, correct its motion, perform a virtual anchor and switch between these operations autonomously. The boat is equipped with a set of smart sensors such as sonars, a Global Positioning System, a camera-based vision system and an Inertial Measurement Unit. General navigation rules are respected during the route. We propose an architecture integrating several Fuzzy Controller-based modular pipelines. Furthermore, we propose a mathematical formalization of the Fish Schooling Behavior useful for training Fuzzy Controllers through Q-Learning. Our architecture will soon be implemented on a real boat intended for navigating in inland waters.