FCTA 2024 Abstracts

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 15

Approximated Fuzzy p-values by Bootstrapped Fuzzy Distributions and Fuzzy Hypotheses Testing


Julien Rosset and Laurent Donzé

Abstract: Although we could dispute the use of p-values, it is a standard tool used by many to know if one has to reject or not a null hypothesis. With the emergence of fuzzy data, fuzzy hypothesis testing procedures appeared. Among these testing procedures, various methods to compute crisp or fuzzy p-values arising from fuzzy data and hypotheses were investigated. However, we noticed that, despite calculating a fuzzy test statistic, none of these approaches assume a fuzzy distribution. Thus, to remedy this, we tackle the problem of finding fuzzy p-values in the context of both fuzzy data and hypotheses while considering the fuzzy distribution of the test statistic. Finding fuzzy p-values alone is not helpful if one does not know how to use them to make a decision. This is why we also provide a way to interpret fuzzy p-values and present a decision rule to reject or not the fuzzy null hypothesis. Additionally, we aim to compare this decision rule to fuzzy statistical testing procedures. We thus offer an empirical application that compares the decisions obtained from fuzzy p-values to the results given by a fuzzy hypothesis testing procedure.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 65

Enhanced Missing Data Imputation Using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Rough-Nearest Neighbor Approach


Shivani Singh

Abstract: The exponential growth of databases across various domains necessitates robust techniques for handling missing data to maintain data integrity and analytical accuracy. Traditional approaches often struggle with real-valued datasets due to inherent limitations in handling uncertainty and imprecision. Nearest Neighbourhood algorithms have proven beneficial in missing data imputation, offering effective solutions to address data gaps. In this paper, we propose a novel method for missing data imputation, termed Intuitionistic Fuzzy Rough-Nearest Neighbourhood Imputation (IFR-NNI), which extends the application of intuitionistic fuzzy rough sets to handle missing data scenarios. By integrating Intuitionistic Fuzzy Rough Sets into the nearest neighbor imputation framework, we aim to overcome the limitations of traditional methods, including information loss, challenges in managing uncertainty and vagueness, and instability in approximation outcomes. The proposed method is implemented on real-valued datasets, and non-parametric statistical analysis is performed to evaluate its performance. Our findings indicate that the IFR-NNI method demonstrates excellent performance in general, showcasing its effectiveness in addressing missing data scenarios and advancing the field of data imputation methodologies.